Trash and Recycling

Trash Pickup 

Trash pickup is on Tuesday, please have your trash out by 7 a.m. If a holiday falls on or prior to your collection day, service will be delayed by one day. Please do not put trash out before Monday evening and make sure your trash is tied down well. For removal of large items at your cost, call HBS at 720-547-8600 on Friday of the week before you want the items taken. For more detailed information, see document below.

Recycling Pickup

Recycling is available every other Tuesday. You may recycle glass, plastics marked 1 to 7 on the bottom of the container, aluminum, steel cans and newspapers. If you do not have a recycling cart with the yellow lid and need one, call HBS at 720-547-8600. For more detailed information, see document below.

To find a place where your electronic items, including TVs, computers, peripherals, gadgets, etc. can be e-cycled, click here.

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